Bound Brook Crusader Basketball - Gives Thanks to Sponsors
Next up, we’d like to thank our EXTREMELY loyal sponsors at the Bound Brook Elks Lodge and the Bound Brook Moose Lodge for their generous donations every season now for the past couple of years. The two homegrown lodges were able to support us with a combined $1,500.00 which helps assist with equipment necessities, team bondings, travel gear, senior night, and more! We are eternally grateful for the support we continuously receive from these two lodges and are happy to volunteer and help back when we can! The bond we have between the two lodges truly displays Bound Brook’s close-knit community.
Thank you Bound Brook Elks and Bound Brook Moose Lodges!!!!! Bound Brook Elks Lodge #1388 Moose 988
Special thank you ALWAYS to Gina Kosinski-Hector and @ruth ann fleming seyfartt ! We could not do it without you!