Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the D&R Canal State Park with a Paddle Race

Saturday, May 4: Canoe Race-

It is commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the D&R Canal State Park.  Participate in a paddling race on the D&R Canal on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 at 10 a.m. 

Proceeds go to the Canal Watch in support of projects in the park. 

You can choose from 8-mile or 1-mile race distances. Canoes, kayaks, and SUPs are welcome. 

Race begins and ends at the Turning Basin in Princeton, NJ. $35. Mandatory pre-registration and additional details are available:

Contact: or 972-742-1500. 

Sunday, June 16: 2:00 p.m. Canal Watch Annual Meeting. Capt. Bill McKelvey will present a slide program on the D&R Canal. Fellowship Hall behind the Griggstown Reformed Church. 

Use the GPS address of 1065 Canal Road, Princeton (even though it is nowhere near Princeton). For more information, call Linda Barth, at 908-240-0488;

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