ICYMI - Adamsville Primary saluted members of the Armed Forces with its annual celebration


A prestigious ceremony to honor our heroes who served was celebrated again at the Adamsville Primary School.  Adamsville's annual celebration, the Armed Forces Salute, was held on Wednesday, May 29, when staff and students invited family and friends who are veterans or are currently active members of the military to visit the school.

They all gathered in Adamsville’s multi-purpose room where students and staff joined the honored guests for a catered breakfast and a ceremony that followed.  The dedicated Cindy DeCavalcante-Nurse once again served in her valuable role as Adamsville’s Armed Forces Salute Committee Chair.

Ms. Nurse, who is an Intervention Specialist at Adamsville, directed the event that was sponsored by the Bridgewater-Raritan Education Association (BREA) through a PRIDE Grant from the New Jersey Education Association. The ceremony included songs, a picture book read aloud, a student poetry reading, and, of course, recognition of the honorees.

Those honored guests and their military branches were:

  • Thomas Butler, Army
  • Thomas Church, Navy
  • Richard Gardner, Sr. Army
  • Peter Gordon, Marines
  • Charles Hovanec, Army
  • Joseph Nigro, Army
  • John Richter, Navy
  • Alfred Wilson, Air Force

The morning concluded with honorees visiting classrooms for question-and-answer sessions and read-alouds with the attentive students.  “ The day was exciting and memorable for all,” Ms. Nurse said.

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