Literary Volunteers of Somerset County Celebrate Diana, 2024 Tutor of the Year


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In her role as an LVSC Student Assessor, Diana provides a welcoming first impression to new, often anxious, students. Her latest challenge is leading a group of seven beginner students just starting out on their language learning journey.

More About Diana:

LVSC Journey: I had just retired from teaching after 30 years and knew that I still had much to offer to the community. I wanted to get involved with the Children’s Hospital in New Brunswick, as a volunteer to read books to hospitalized children but COVID prevented me from doing it. I cannot recall how I found LVSC but thought it was something that I would be able to apply my skills and knowledge to. I love meeting new students and my relationship with the LVSC staff.

Proudest LVSC Moment: Listening to my most recent student introduce me as Tutor of the Year. Without hesitation she volunteered and wrote a beautiful speech.Diana has tutored multiple students. Her proudest moment was listening to her most recent student, Marjorie, present her with the award for Tutor of the Year at the LVSC Annual Meeting. 

Marjorie,'Mrs. Diana is an excellent teacher, very professional, and dedicated to her work. She has helped me a lot. Her teaching and support motivate me to move forward. She is also very patient. Diana was born to be a teacher.'

Diana with her husband and student Marjorie at LVSC's Annual Meeting & Recognition Event

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