Puchi Con - A Family Friendly Anime Con for All -


One thing that is great about New Jersey, is the variety of events and conventions within driving distance.   Puchicon and Puchi-Popups are anime, gaming, and comic cons/pop-ups, that are safe and fun for all ages, orientations, races, and abilities. https://www.puchicon.com/

The organizer notes on her Facebook page the "goal is to focus on anime, gaming & cosplay panels, karaoke & mental health panels, exercise panels, amazing voice actors, vendors, artists, guests, entertainment, anime screenings, maid cafe, an arcade, parties, game shows, musicians and much more!" After hours, there are 21+ anime panels and meet-ups just in case you want to stay late in the evening with fellow cosplayers.

Raritan Neighbors: Why did you decide to start this convention?

Organizer: I started cosplaying and going to anime conventions in 2004, I started doing networking and after con parties in 2014. I saw what I like in cons and what can be changed and have a child so wanted it comfy for families and all ages, races, genders. With a big focus on mental health & physical.

Raritan Neighbors: How many years have you been doing this?                                                                  Organizer: Since 2019

Raritan Neighbors:                                                                                                                                                                 What would you say to someone nervous about trying their first PuchiCon?

Organizer: I would say 80% of the con-goers that go use it as their first con. It has a very intimate, friendly, non-judgmental feel. https://www.puchicon.com/contact-us

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