Central Jersey Does In Fact Exist


(Trenton) The New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC) is pleased to announce the inaugural meetings of the Central New Jersey County Commissioners (CNJCCA) and Northern New Jersey County Commissioners (NNJCCA) associations both modeled after the Southern New Jersey County Commissioners Association (SNJCCA), which has long served Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, and Salem counties.

"For more than two decades, SNJCCA has provided county commissioners, administrators, constitutional officers, and other county professionals with the unique opportunity to network with colleagues, share resources and ideas, and advocate on behalf of county government," said Monmouth County Administrator and NJAC President Teri O'Connor.

CNJCCA will first meet on March 15th in Somerset County with Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset, and Union counties. NNJCCA will follow on March 21st in Passaic County with Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Salem, and Warren counties. Both meetings are free and open to all county commissioners, administrators, constitutional officers, executives and more.

"As has been the case with our friends in the southern counties, we believe that these meetings will become invaluable resources for both county leaders, and NJAC as the Association strives to excel at its mission as an advocate for county government with a unified and proactive voice," commented O'Connor.

Perhaps even more important, these meetings and somewhat colorful map with footnotes below, demonstrate once and for all that Central Jersey does in fact exist and is a fantastic place to live, work, eat, and raise a family with awesome beaches, historic downtowns and riverside villages, picture perfect farmlands, world class colleges and universities, thriving businesses, and much more. Please contact us at (609) 394-3467 or visit our website at www.njac.org for additional details.

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