RideWise Introduces Their Team Members. RideWise Offices are located in Somerville
Meet RideWise’s Director of Mobility Management, Linda Rapacki! Linda has been a member of RideWise’s team for 15 years. She currently manages Mobility Solutions for all. She is our feet-on-the-street Travel Training Instructor, working with Individuals with Disabilities, Seniors, Job-displaced and new-to-the-area residents. She conducts Transportation Workshops, educating more than 400+ people per year. Linda has been working to engage and work with municipalities into adopting Complete and Green Streets policies in Somerset County for more than ten years.Linda walks the walk and can often be found riding her bike for transportation or incorporating multi-modal transportation by taking the train or bus to get to her destinations. Outside of work, Linda can be found cycling, swimming, hiking and paddling on a stand-up paddleboard or in a kayak. Linda is an avid Bird Watcher and Wildlife Photographer and is a volunteer Bald Eagle Nest Observer for New Jersey Fish and Wildlife’s Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP). Professionally, Linda was the proud recipient of the 2022 Somerset County Disability Advocate of the Year Award.