
Mississippi Delta on Monday - "Musical Journey with Matthew" program at the Raritan Public Library

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Travel along the Mississippi Delta on Monday, July 1st, at 6pm at "Musical Journey with Matthew" program! Explore genres such as Ragtime, Stride, Boogie Woogie, and New Orleans Blues. Hear how they imparted their influence on Swing, Country, Rock n' Roll, International, and other musical styles that forever reshaped how we think about music, and the emotional response it triggers within us. This interactive experience should not be missed by all aficionados of good music and a soul! Illuminate your mind with on of a kind musical extravaganza filled with endless rhythm and melody. Prepare to clap. Be ready to tap. And don't hold back the urge to get out of your seat! Please register for this event as seating is limited using this link= https://raritanlibrary.libcal.com/event/12678263

Raritan Public Library
Raritan, NJ
United States

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