RAritan Public Library - Libby App Download Assistance and Willy Wonka is March 14th


Use the Libby App - Patrons can download the Libby app. Libby is our new eBook provider. Libby offers books, audiobooks, magazines, and Kindle support. Be sure to have your library card and password/pin handy to log into the app. If you have trouble logging in, give the library a call at (908)725-0413 during our regular hours of operation.

Upcoming Movie:

See how Willy Wonka started his dream in a "Wonka" movie showing on Thursday, March 14th, at 6 pm.

This fantasy musical film follows the story of Willy Wonka, the famous but eccentric chocolatier based on the character from Roald Dahl's novel. The narrative traces his beginnings as a young adult who started as an employee selling chocolate in a store until he became driven to enter the chocolate industry eventually. This film acts as a prequel to the 1971 film adaptation of Dahl's novel.Cast: Timothée Chalamet, Olivia Colman, Hugh Grant, Sally Hawkins, Jim CarterRating: PG; Runtime: 112 minutes

Registration is required and can be done using this link= https://raritanlibrary.libcal.com/event/12082493

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