Learn about Work First New Jersey, Welfare, Emergency Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid, Social Security Disability/SSI.


Learn about Work First New Jersey, Welfare, Emergency Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid, Social Security Disability/SSI. Get an overview of each program, learn the eligibility guidelines and your fair hearing rights. 12 noon to 1:00 on Thursday, September 26.

Register here for the Zoom link: https://zoom.us/.../up0kfuuuqDwoskdW8C32xmeAWCZ58AqSmA...The event is hosted by Family Partners of Morris & Sussex Lunch and Learn series. 

These Lunch and Learn events are held every Thursday at noon - highlighting expert speakers on topics relevant to caregivers, educators and professionals charged with supporting challenged youth aged 3-21.

Learn more about Legal Services of Northwest Jersey and apply for services on our website https://www.lsnwj.org

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