Montgomery Township Honored As Healthy Town” status from New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute


Members of the Mayors Wellness Campaign team pose at the finish line following the Run with Rotary race and receiving the Community Spirit Award

MONTGOMERY, N.J. - Through collaborative efforts with nonprofit and local business partners, Montgomery has elevated its designation and achieved “Healthy Town” status from New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute. 

The award recognizes wellness-focused activities throughout 2024 that engaged and empowered residents to put their health at the forefront of daily life.

"We are so proud that Montgomery has earned the distinguished ‘Healthy Town’ designation for 2024, after becoming a ‘Healthy Town to Watch’ in 2023,” said Mayor Neena Singh. 

“Joining the Mayors Wellness Campaign has helped us to study our town’s needs and then start up or improve initiatives that support our community’s physical, mental, social, and emotional wellness.”

Working with the health department, municipal alliance, parks and recreation department, and more, the municipality has offered programming each month that equips residents with tools to live a stronger, healthier life. Planning is underway to continue events throughout the year, as the work is far from over in creating an even healthier community.

Residents perform at Montgomery’s Spring Fling celebrating the beginning of warmer weather and opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.

"It’s incredible to see the Mayors Wellness Campaign Healthy Town designations keep growing year after year. It’s proof that New Jersey’s community leaders aren’t just talking about health and wellness; they’re making it," said Mike Cerra, Executive Director of the New Jersey League of Municipalities. "From small towns to big cities, these leaders are showing up for their residents and building healthier, more vibrant communities.”

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