RVCC Sisters In STEM Club Assists Hillsborough Girl Scouts with Engineering Badge


RVCC SIS club members and Girl Scouts pictured

Members of Raritan Valley Community College’s Sisters In STEM (SIS) club recently spent time with Girl Scouts Troop 60134, a Cadette troop from Hillsborough, helping the girls with their Engineering Badge.

RVCC SIS club members and Girl Scouts pictured, from left, kneeling are: RVCC student Dana Ibrahim (Montgomery) and Hillsborough Girl Scout Julianna Barkin; pictured, from left, standing are: RVCC students Te’Anna Neptune (Green Brook), Marlen Chanez (Franklin), Sarah Bragger (Hillsborough), Hadiya Ahmad (Bound Brook), and Daphne Kunukco (North Plainfield); and Hillsborough Girl Scouts Alyssa Schafer, Coco Resetar, Alisha Arunachalam, Ariana Tandon, and Reese Wallace.

The evening included a 15-minute “ice-breaker” activity, where the girls were asked to complete several Tangrams, which are Chinese geometric puzzles featuring a square cut into seven pieces that can be arranged to make various other shapes. Working with Tangrams assists with practicing geometry, problem-solving, logical thinking, and sharpening spatial awareness—skills that are critical in any STEM field.

Hillsborough Girl Scouts, from left, Julianna Barkin and Alisha Arunachalam, work on lighting up 3-volt LED lights with two AA batteries using only wire and masking tape.

Afterwards, the RVCC students helped the Girl Scouts with a project focused on lighting up two, 3-volt LED lights with two AA batteries using only wire and masking tape. The extremely challenging engineering task was a huge success, and the girls were able to light both LEDs.

RVCC SIS club member Te’Anna Neptune (Green Brook), right, helps Hillsborough Girl Scouts, from left, Reese Wallace and Ariana Tandon, with a project focusing on lighting 3-volt LED lights with two AA batteries using only wire and masking tape.

The program concluded with everyone signing a poster created by the SIS club members, who also gave the Girls Scouts small “goody bags” filled with STEM-related gifts.

RVCC is located at 118 Lamington Road in Branchburg, NJ. For further information, visit www.raritanval.edu.

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